About Us
Denali Advisors is a quantitative-based, institutional investment management firm founded in 2001 and one of the largest known Native American-owned asset management firms in the United States. Specializing in Value, Growth and Income strategies across U.S., Global, Emerging and Frontier equity markets, Denali currently serves institutional public, corporate and high net worth clients. Denali is majority employee owned and operated, and is headquartered in San Diego, CA with offices in Anchorage, AK and Chicago, IL. Our mission is to consistently deliver enhanced value for clients, investors, and employees by producing superior risk-adjusted investment returns while adhering to our core values. Denali is a SEC Registered Investment Adviser.
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What We Do
Our Approach
We use non-biased, fundamental research in scalable, systematic processes. For value strategies, we seek out underappreciated, high earning stocks that have lower trading volume relative to their comparables based on our Network Value theory of investing. For growth strategies, we seek out inefficiently priced stocks whose earnings growth rates are accelerating above market expectations. For income strategies, we seek out stocks with dividend growth and sustainability.
Our Commitment to Managing Risk for Our Clients
Denali believes that in order to deliver superior results to clients and investors, risk management should be an integral part of any investment process. Through the use of mean-variance optimization that balances expected returns with the various factor risks involved, Denali strives to build risk-controlled portfolios that outperform in various market environments.